Monday, May 7, 2012

Boy Crazy

So, it appears that Nadia is a complete flirt with the boys. I noticed right away that she noticed men more than women, and appears to "obsess" over their attention more than women. Haha, what a silly girl.

She saw one of our neighbors the other day out for a jog, and she stared at him until he went out of sight. She was completely mesmerized. I didn't think much of it until she saw him again today, though. She's always really good on the leash, never pulls forward, and typically walks next to or beside us. Well not this time. She saw him and immediately took off after him, pulling me all the while. I've never seen her so adamant about meeting another person!

He hopped into his car and took off before we got there, since she saw him from a pretty good distance. She made such a fuss that he noticed him coming up the sidewalk, and waved as he drove off. She then stared at his parking spot for a solid minute after he left before I picked her up and directed her attention elsewhere. (And even then, she kept looking over her shoulder wistfully while we headed back inside. I think someone has a crush!

She also followed a man around PetSmart for a solid five minutes the other day. I did my best to leave him alone and direct her elsewhere, so we went down another isle, but she turned at the end of it back to where he was and kept going. He finally stopped and petted her for a while, and she seemed very pleased with herself. Such a goof.

To top if off, my dad came over earlier today and she was crazy excited about it. She was barking and jumping like mad, and she doesn't typically do that. She was even whining in excitement, begging for his attention. So cute. <3

I'm curious how she'll react when she sees the (pretty handsome) jogger again. Haha~